- This is intended for all attendees on the branches’ monthly coach trips, whether members of CAMRA or not. These are informal guidelines, as we didn’t want to draft anything too official!
- Above all, keep safe and enjoy yourselves- that is the main purpose of our trips, after all. We want everybody to have a good day out.
- Please be on time. Anybody who thinks they might take longer than normal to reach the coach should make allowances for this, and leave extra time to get to the pick-up point on time. It is unfair to everyone else on the trip to keep them waiting.
- If you find that you cannot come on a trip, please let the organisers know as soon as possible, to enable them to try to give your seat to another person. Many of our trips are over-subscribed, with waiting lists, so the quicker you can confirm your non-attendance, the more likely we will be able to reallocate your seat.
- Please don’t harass, pester, or make a nuisance of yourself to the trip organisers. You must not hound them into giving you a place on a particular trip or jumping the queue. For example, with the upcoming move to online ticket-selling for these trips, the organisers will have little or no control over who buys spaces on the trips, it will be strictly first-come, first- served.
- You must not make insulting, derogatory, or otherwise offensive comments or gestures to either other attendees, or the general public. Likewise, potentially contentious issues like politics, religion, football etc should not be discussed if likely to become a source of argument or confrontation.
- Please don’t get incapably drunk. We all come on these trips to enjoy ourselves, but you must not get into such a state that other people are forced to give up their own day out in order to look after you, that is unfair on them.
- Everyone should maintain an acceptable level of personal hygiene. Similarly, whenever using the on-board toilets, please clean up after yourself, if necessary. Likewise, do not block the loo with paper towels etc.
- Please don’t eat hot food on the coach. Packed lunches etc are fine, if they don’t have a strong smell that is likely to annoy fellow passengers, or make them feel ill.
- If seat bealts are fitted, please wear them. And please stay seated when the coach is moving except to use the toilet.
- If you see any new faces on a trip, make an effort to make them feel welcome. If they are in a pair or group, please let them sit together or near to one another, if possible.
- Feedback, and CONSTRUCTIVE criticism, is always welcome. For example, if you have any suggestions for brand new destinations, or somewhere that we have not been for many years, please put them forward to the trip organisers. Conversely, if there is somewhere that you actively want us to avoid (or not return to after a previous bad experience), let us know. It might be that a place you suggest hadn’t been considered previously, and may lead to us visiting somewhere new.
Thanks for taking the time to read this. As mentioned at the top, it wasn’t our intention to come out with anything too officious or heavy-handed, we’ve tried to keep things quite informal, with the aim of ensuring that EVERYBODY enjoys their day out!