- Details
- Written by Mel James-Henry
- Category: Pub of the year

- Details
- Written by Mel James-Henry
- Category: Pub of the year
CAMRA’s National Pub of the Year is the annual competition to find the very best pub in the UK. We’ve been highlighting the best pubs in the country since 1988, and the competition helps to showcase quality pubs around the UK that are worth seeking out and visiting. It’s all about finding the cream of the crop and the best place for you to enjoy a pint of real ale. Some may also have good quality real cider or perry for you to sample. https://camra.org.uk/pubs/awards/pub-of-the-year/
The competition starts at branch level. Locally we start with Liverpool 'Pub of the Year'. The winner then takes part in Merseyside Pub of the Year, followed by Regional and finally National.