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- Written by Mel James-Henry
- Category: Pulling Together
Please remember to buy your beer direct from your local brewery, or pub if it offers delivery. You can find local businesses on the Brew2You app. It's available to download on your mobile from the App Store, Google Play or visit the website. Help support the industry at this crucial time and buy with Brew2You .
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- Written by Mel James-Henry
- Category: Pulling Together
During the lockdown a number of pubs and local breweries have offered takeout and/or delivery services. These are the ones we are aware of.
When ordering or buying beer please follow the NHS advice on Covid-19, stay at home wherever possible, and adhere to social distancing when leaving the house for essential reasons: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/
Some local brewery initiatives in the area include:

To find more pubs offering takeaway or delivery services, please visit whatpub.com
To find more pubs offering takeaway or delivery services, please visit whatpub.com. CAMRA also has a list of breweries offering these services, which is available both on beerishere.org and camra.org.uk/pullingtogether/
If you would like your pub or brewery to be added please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
*CAMRA have launched an app to help people order their favourite drink locally! Visit brew2you.co.uk to download
- Details
- Written by Mel James-Henry
- Category: Pulling Together
Following Government advice to avoid pubs and other social venues during the Coronavirus outbreak, CAMRA has partnered with the Society of Independent Brewers (SIBA) and Crowdfunder to help pubs, clubs, breweries, taprooms and cider producers during these difficult times.
The #PullingTogether campaign aims to publicise innovative ways that pubs, breweries, cider makers and taprooms are staying afloat, such as by launching a new online shop, offering beer or cider takeaways or providing redeemable gift vouchers for locals. It also hopes to put the public in touch with local initiatives in their community.
CAMRA is inviting pubs, brewers and cider makers to get involved, the Society of Independent Brewers (SIBA) is encouraging independent breweries to sign up, and Crowdfunder is helping these pubs and breweries tap into their community for financial help to weather the crisis.
Pubs, brewers and taprooms can submit initiatives by visiting www.camra.org.uk/pullingtogether/ – an online platform where the public can also visually search for initiatives near them.
CAMRA is also concerned about the impact of social isolation and distancing at a time when people need it most, and has also set up an online Facebook group for the public called Pulling Together for Pubs, Pints & People, where it hopes to host virtual pub quizzes, beer o’clock and other virtual events.
CAMRA’s National Chairman Nik Antona said: “These are unprecedented times in the brewing, cider and pub industry, and it is now that we all have to pull together to help keep the UK’s producers and pubs afloat.
“We want to connect people with pubs as well as beer and cider producers in their area so that they can purchase great beer or a hot meal locally, rather than relying on the supermarket. This could end up being a real lifeline for people who are unable to get a delivery slot and could help ease some of the stress and burden of self-isolating during these troubling times.
“Pubs and breweries need our help now more than ever – without a strong show of support from local communities, many are destined for permanent closure.”
SIBA’s Chief Executive James Calder said: “This is the single biggest threat to the beer and pubs industry in a lifetime and we are doing everything we can to help pubs, independent breweries, and supplier companies weather the storm and come out the other side. We are delighted to be working with CAMRA on this cross-industry campaign and would encourage every brewery in the UK to get involved and engage with people in their local area keen to support them. Independent breweries are embedded in their communities and keeping that link between people and their local brewery taproom or pub during the Coronavirus outbreak is hugely important.”
CAMRA will also be working with Crowdfunder to promote opportunities for the brewing and pubs industry to tap into local funding during the period of crisis to tide them over. The idea is simple, breweries and pubs that will be suffering from closure and drastically reduced trade about their future can set-up a Pay it Forward campaign offering customers the option to pay for pints, meals and tickets now, which can be redeemed in the future.
Rob Love, Founder and CEO of Crowdfunder explains: “This is a really difficult time for everyone and there are lots of different things people are worried about including their jobs. One thing people can do, if they can afford it, is support local businesses. Through Pay it Forward, we are committed to throwing Crowdfunder’s resources behind keeping business alive through this crisis.”
Locally Liverpool CAMRA are producing a list of breweries that are able to deliver or provide take outs.
To find out more, visit www.camra.org.uk/pullingtogether/ or search on social media using the hashtag #pullingtogether