The following article first appered in MerseyAle, Winter 2016
Conversation with Tony Rothwell of the Republic of Liverpool Beer Company
TM: Tony, can tell us the reason why you started the Republic of Liverpool Beer Company?
TR: The main ideas behind the Republic of Liverpool Beer Company were to brew some quality beers, and to use these as a means of making some
statements about Liverpool as a rebellious, somewhat anti-establishment city, possibly the last such city in the UK. As the late Margaret Simey,
politician and activist said "the magic of Liverpool is that it isn't England".
TM: So we can expect beers with a local theme or statement? Your first beer name has a particular message; can you give us some background to it?
TR:The first beer was launched in the Ship and Mitre pub in Liverpool at the end of October and we named it Northern Powerhouse... My Arse. This
is a comment on the nonsense spoken by George Osborne et al, suggesting that this government is making an effort to lessen the obscene gulf in
wealth between the North of Britain and the South - especially London.
TR: A recent example of the bias shown to London and the South East, is I believe the proposed runway expansion of Heathrow airport. To state that
"this will benefit the whole of the country, with 77,000 jobs being created locally" is totally misinforming. I didn't know that Newcastle was local to London. I am sure Geordies, and people from other Northern cities are ecstatic about all those new jobs being created near Heathrow! We get fed this information all of the time, and it seems to us that a local pub, with a few pints of beer, is a great place to start discussing this with friends and customers. Of course, the conversation about the North-South Divide and other such politics wouldn't last too long without a good beer to get everyone talking.
TM: That leads us nicely to the beer itself. What kind of beer is it?
TR: Northern Powerhouse... My Arse! is, available, in limited supply, as a cask beer. It is a hoppy, fruity, IPA, made using a blend of Centennial, Cascade, Ahtanum, and Simcoe hops.
It's on sale in several pubs locally (but, unfortunately, not in Newcastle!!). Northern Powerhouse is also available in bottles, lightly carbonated, from the Ship and Mitre Bottle Shop on Victoria Street in Liverpool City Centre. You can also buy these bottles and Republic of Liverpool Beer Co t-shirts online from our website:
TM: You are involved with Stamps Brewery. Is this venture a new brewery and what are your plans for the next beers you hope to produce? Will you continue the campaigning theme?
TR: The Republic of Liverpool Beer Co is linked to Stamps Brewery, who will brew the beers. We intend to produce at least 2 more beers, one more before Christmas. At present these remain a secret, keep checking out news on the website, and Facebook page
The Republic of Liverpool Beer Co Ltd...brewing and bottling Liverpool's rebellious spirit!