Neptune Brewery Tap room is now currently closed until lockdown restrictions are lifted. They will reopen on the 24t July. Can takeout's are still available on Fridays between 4-5:30 or you can order from their online store

Liverpool Brewing Company continue to produce new beer almost every week. Currently our Core Range and Craft Range are now back to being fresh brewed monthly, our Craft Range is expanding to include a new 3.6% Little IPA, and we have a number of specials being brewed. Currently their Core Range and Craft Range are now back to being fresh brewed monthly, their Craft Range is expanding to include a new 3.6% Little IPA, and they have a number of specials being brewed. 

Team Toxic are currently brewing a new range as well as having to repeat a number of the beers brewed from the most recent range. 

Liverpool Brewing Company are also planning Brew House events to take place on the first Sat of every month, with a new expanded food offering from some of the city's most exciting new street food vendors. watch their social media for more info!

Lastly but certainly not least, they may have some extremely exciting news about their first steps into running some of their very own pubs and bars. Watch this space for further information.

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