As well as campaigning to protect and promote real ale and pubs, CAMRA also works to protect and promote clubs where cask beer is sold. Social and sports clubs are important local assets that promote the social wellbeing of their communities and provide well needed sport and social amenities.

Liverpool & Districts CAMRA branch wants to increase knowledge of these clubs, but we need your help. If you know of a club that sells real ale, please let us know.

This will:

  • Help us to compile a more accurate list of real ale outlets.
  • Increase the effectiveness of the WhatPub database.
  • Help visitors to the area discover good real ale.
  • Give us a wider choice of clubs from which to pick future local Clubs of the Year (COTY) and make the competition more interesting.

Several ways to get in touch:

  1. Contact Tony Morgan by email on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  2. Use the branch contact emails in Merseyale.
  3. Speak to a Committee member at one of our events (details of these are in this edition of Merseyale and What’s Brewing).

For more information on our Club of the Year please see our Club of the Year Page

Tony Morgan

Public Affairs Officer

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